Vue/Nuxt.js 2&3
DevOps (AWS, Azure, GCP) Logo Freelancer - Full Stack Engineer
Active Since 2012 (11 years)
  • 11+ years in software development (since 2012).
  • Web developer with expertise in VueJS, ReactJS, Nuxt.js 2, Nuxt.js 3, Next.js, and ag-Grid.
  • Proficiency in network protocols, JavaScript, SQL databases, and Firebase.
  • Experienced with cloud platforms (AWS, Google Cloud, Alibaba Cloud).
  • Mobile app development using Flutter, React Native, and Ionic.
  • Extensive experience in PHP, Node.js, Python, Laravel, and WordPress development.
  • Specialized in SEO optimization with WordPress.
  • Proficient in setting up Linux servers and web servers.
  • Extensive experience in designing and maintaining headless e-commerce websites using Vue
  • Expertise in integrating Vue headless with Shopify and BigCommerce to deliver comprehensive solutions with seamless functionality and optimal performance.
Switch Automation Logo Switch Automation - Senior Software Engineer
Sept 2018 - Present (1 year as Upwork Talent)
  • Develop and maintain a bug-free web application.
  • Implement new Nuxt.js framework to improve the company's front-end.
  • Incorporate new technology trends to enhance the company's product.
  • Automate development and testing processes.
  • Introduce and train the team on the Vue.js framework.
MobileAds Logo MobileAds - Mid Frontend Engineer
Nov 2015 - Sept 2018 (3 years 8 months)
  • I specialize in crafting customized HTML5 ads that engage and captivate the audience.
  • My role involves creating rich media ads that incorporate interactive elements, animations, and multimedia content to deliver compelling advertising experiences.
  • I work closely with clients to understand their unique brand and campaign goals, tailoring each ad to their specific needs.
  • I utilize vanilla JavaScript to ensure browser compatibility across different devices, enhancing the reach of our ads.
  • My responsibilities include optimizing ad performance and ensuring seamless integration across various advertising platforms and devices.
Coconet Business Solutions Logo Coconet Business Solutions - Jr Software Engineer
Aug 2012 - Nov 2015 (3 years 4 months)
  • As a software developer, I play a crucial role in the development of important business solutions for small and medium-sized enterprises in the Philippines.
  • My expertise is utilized in the creation of three essential products: a cable billing management system, a payroll management system, and a law office management system.
  • These desktop applications are specifically designed to meet the unique needs of SMBs and help streamline their operations.